Wednesday, December 13, 2017
Monday fun

Friday, December 8, 2017
what I loved about this year
In term one our school went to the Central ripper tournament. We vs eight team's and the hardest game was the semi final because there coach was so hard on them then we were losing by two points eight to six. After that we never give up and we still won. It was so awesome when I could play with my friends in tournament and I was very happy when I got to be captain oo yeah. My Teacher also thinks that i am going to be an All Black when I am older he thinks I am that good. Then we became champion of the central ripper tournament oo yeah. I hope you enjoyed my learning good bye.
Thinking Hats slideshow
In the past few weeks we did the 6 De Bono thinking hats about the Celebration day. We all had to answer all of the questions and on one of them we had to right six sentence. There were six hats and the colours were white, yellow, red, black, green, blue. This slideshow was so hard because the questions were so difficult. I learnt how to reflect to the questions I hope you comment bye.
Thursday, November 16, 2017
Gala day and soap
Thursday, November 9, 2017
novel study

The past few weeks we did our novel study about our novels. My special novel was about two boys named Jonty and Choc. they were best friends in primary and then when they got to intermediate they didn't want to be friends any more because they were getting bulled. It was so hard because it was so long and there difficulty words that I didn't know. I learnt how to be good at school and ignoring people by says bad words. And this book was so special because it was about sports and about friendship. I hope you read my work bye.
Friday, October 27, 2017
the journey
This Term Room Waitemata did maths about a NZ Journey. We were learning all about travelling around New Zealand we had to add up all our Totals. Then I did the first slide it was about planes we had to chose a plane. And I chose new Zealand air then we had to make the total and the time then we had to add it up the total was $89 and the time was 12:15. It was so hard find the time of the flit and the total because it was the first time I've did that it was so challenge. We also only had a budget of $500 a day it was really hard to try and keep to that. Here are some of the slides of some of the Fun activities that we got to do along the way.
Friday, September 29, 2017
Our blogging Connections

Thanks for reading this blog post and I'll see ya later!
Friday, September 22, 2017
Digital Etiquette
Hey Blogging world, this week on Thursday we did cyber-smart with Gerhard and we learnt what netiquette means. To do this we had to Brainstorm some of the of Dos and what not to do on the internet and what to do good on the internet. We also learnt about what is formal and informal language. When you comment on your school mates works or your family and friends that is usually informal. Formal means is when you are sending an email to your school, teachers, or about a job. I learnt what netiquette means, I learnt what informal means and formal it was challenging when we did a competition I didn't know what informal means and formal. I think I should know what informal means and formal I should work on that. Blog you later bye bloggers hope you check it out.
Friday, September 15, 2017
On Thursday September 14 , Jerhard came to Te Waka Ako, for cyber smart class.We
learned how to work in Collaboration.The first box was to find what Collaboration means
and it means the action of working together. After that we had to watch the video that Jerhard showed us then we had two options, we could just put the video or put a photo and
put a link. Then we had to write what the word Collaboration meant to us . I think it means helping people, teamwork and friendship. The last box was about the rules of teamwork, Friendship talking to each other and being helpful. What was challenging was when we had to work on one document and other people were deleting the work. I learned Collaboration means it means we have to work together as a team.
Monday, September 11, 2017
Magic Science
Hi bloggers my name is Hame and my school went to see a science show. There were two people that came to teach us crazy science tricks. It was amazing when he showed us his first science magic, it was finger guard trick when he was able to change what finger the guard was on and add guards without us noticing how he did it. It was fantastic when Richard made a big bubble with a bubble stick. Do you know that Bubbles are the thinnest object your eyes can see. Another cool trick Richard preformed was was when he use his hair dryer to make the ball float in the air what made it float was Fast moving air Pushes up while gravity pulls it down that was so exciting. I learned how to make liquid into a solid with something called polymer nappy powder that was so wicked. I wonder how you could do all this tricks with science. i also wonder if I could be the next crazy best scientist in the world. Blog you later THE END
Friday, September 8, 2017
Camp Poem
This past week we did our camp poems. The first thing we did was to write our poem on a paper. My poem was about a tent from camp that made a dent. After that we had to find a partner and read our poems to each other then we did our own Poems in our Art book . Then we had to decorated our poems I found this hard because it was hard finding rhyming words. I learned how to make my poem rhyme tent dent and fent but thats all i could come up with. Can you think of any more for me?? Blog you later!!!

Friday, September 1, 2017
Camp 2017
On Friday the Augusts of the 18th we did our camp Mt Ruapehu slides. At camp we went to Hamilton gardens. We did a game called scavenger hunt and it was a competition where we had to find the answer on the Hamilton gardens paper. Pink group won the competition. Then we went to Otorohanga to have lunch after that we went to the Ed Hillary walkway to find out about the information about famous things in New Zealand. We did a poem about cheese all day. Then we all went to Taumaranui Primary school to have after noon tea and we played. Then we arrived at at our hotel it was so cool. Our room was cool as it was only one room but it had another floor. The next day it was snowboarding time, the first day was long then we had lessons it sucked for me because it was so hard but I did not give up and the next day I became the master of snowboarding. It was best experience of my camp. It was so hard going of the chair lift my challenge was snowboarding sideways
Friday, August 18, 2017
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My favourite relay was sit ups. |
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I liked the kicking competition. |
Friday, August 11, 2017
Committing on someones blog
On Thursday the 10th of August, Te Waka Ako went to Hauraki to do cyber smart with Gerard. We had to find a blog that we really like I chose room 1 from may road school, it was about swimming. After that we did a practice blog comment, we had to thought about positive, thoughtful and helpful thoughts. Also we did a question one. I hope you enjoy all of it, hope you give a comment.
Friday, August 4, 2017
Camp tents
Yesterday Te Waka Ako made tent out of tooth picks and clay then when we finish it we had to take a photo of our own creations. Our task was to make a tent with clay and tooth picks . I made an Amy tent. My problem was that i had to start of again again and again,because the tooth picks couldn't stick to gather. The part that I like most was making different shapes with the tooth picks. I was very happy with my creations. I learn how to make a tent with clay and tooth picks .My shapes were triangle and square . It was fun to make these the little tents.
Friday, July 7, 2017
Rocket Lunch
This week my reading class Philippa Weary we were talking about rocket launches. We decided to do an infer-graphic about what we have learn't. After that we had to make an google drawing and to make some symbols and put some different shapes so the facts can go on it then we had to send it to our teacher and then we were told to make an blog post and write about what we did and then share to my blog.
Friday, June 30, 2017
Last term room 7 did all about me these are the things i did.I did Jesus, WWE, NFL, Rugby, KFC, Sushi I wrote all about when I saw the KFC burger it was so nice the sushi the terriaki chicken that was nice to then I did rugby was my favourite sport my favourite team was All Blacks & the Highlander and NFL I like NFL because I like it when they dance wwe I like wwe because it cool when they do there finish on the table.
Friday, June 23, 2017
use double and halve to solve problem
This week Kahurangi my maths group circle did halves and doubles and solving problems. The first question was learn we had to solve double halves to this number the next question was to create doubles halve to these we did same thing after that we had to share it to a partner and then make a problem then you had to share to my maths teacher.
Friday, June 16, 2017
Yesterday Te Wake Ako all went to Hauraki and Gerard came to show his thinglink that he made then he told us about himself and his family about being a dad and his hobbies. Then he told us to do two paragraphs after that on thinglink and we had to put two paragraphs of your favourite player that you like, my favourite rugby player is Malakai Fekitoa. In rugby my favourite rugby team is the Highlanders my favourite song the ocean the we made a blog post.
I learnt how to make a thinglink.
Friday, May 26, 2017
My new class room
On Monday 22 of May 2017 Room 7, 8 and 9 moved into these new building. These building were all called Te waka Ako. Then we sang Warm Pacific Greetings After that Michael Wood came up and talked about opening our new class rooms then our principal Ms Peterson came up and she was talking about taking along time to come to these new buildings. After that we sang Aotearoa Then a student Conroy calls up Michael Wood to cut the ribbon and open our new buildings It was so fun that we moved in these buildings. In side these buildings there were colours and it was colourful the class rooms were called Hauraki Waitemata and Manakau there were box that where you can put your stuff in side your box.
Thursday, May 18, 2017
My blog Audience
Today room 7 did Cyber Smart with Jarad. We went on Ako Hiko page and had to go on to another class page and find a photo of one of their class blogs. I then made a blog audience chart, showing all the people that can see my work. This includes my family, people from my culture / church. My teachers. My peers (school mates). My friends and my class.
Wednesday, May 10, 2017
The week room 7 is leaning about Matariki there some facts and photos.
Matariki is the Māori name for the star cluster known as the Pleiades. Traditionally for Māori when it appeared just before dawn in late May or early June, it signalled the start of the Māori New Year. For some tribes, the rising of Puanga (Rigel in Orion) signals the start of the New Year.
Monday, April 10, 2017
I was so nervous that I was going to drop the ball since my mates passes it at me. The ball felt like it as going so slowly as it came towards me. Then I see a boy start to jump towards the ball. Then I here go Hame go Hame the jump to and then I get the and I see a gap in the side line and I burst through the side and then I see a boy chasing me and I see the try line the I dive for the try. After that I did an impossible try and then the crowd shout for me and then I run to the crowd.
Tuesday, March 21, 2017
My Rippa Rugby Experience
During the first term two Waikowhai Rippa teams went to Cox's park to compete in the Central Mixed Rippa Competition.
Waikowhai 1 won our three games 4-2, 9-2 and 8-4 and qualified for the quarterfinals where we played against Halsey Drive 1 Beating them 6-3. Waikowhai 2 also qualified for the quarter finals winning 2 of their 3 games but unfortunately they lost in the quarterfinals but they did amazingly well.
In the semifinals Waikowhai 1 played 3 time defending champions…Bay Field scoring the winning try in just before the final hooter winning a tough exciting game 8-7. Meaning Waikowhai 1 were in the finals against Dominion Rd Primary School Tau’s new school.
In the finals Waikowhai 1 battled it out in our hardest game of the day with the scores tied 8 all at the final whistle. But because we scored the first try the mighty Waikowhai 1 won the whole tournament for the first time in the school's history. Now we are going to Eden park to play, to become Auckland champions against only 4 other teams from the Auckland. We hope that you can come and support us in our mission.
Here is a video of me playing. Please feel fee to leave a comment.
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